Written by a believer, for a believer. Welcome to the revolution of Christian storytelling.
Honoring the Lord, one word at a time.


Kingdoms shift and alliances are forged as the world rearranges itself in the epic last chapter in the Legends of Ralladin trilogy. Caught between duty and loyalty, honor and action, life and death, Trenson and Jayfor will face decisions that will ripple in history. Don't miss the final installment in the Amazon-topping series, coming June 12th.
Praise for Ralladin
”Insurrection is a masterpiece! Gunner Long did an outstanding job at creating an exciting story plot. This amazing allegory full of suspence, loyalty, and betrayal. I would recommend this book for ages 8 and up. Can't wait for Gunner Long's next book!”
”My son requested me to buy this book for him, and he said it was one of the best books of this genre he has ever read. He could not stay away from it. He said the plot just kept him reading, and he read it about three times in about an hour. Would definitely recommend!!"